Near Szigliget…
The neighborhood of Balaton lake is especially convenient to be discovered by bike. Existent and ever developing new bikeways help secure riding. Be aware though to practice caution on roads with heavy car traffic, take care of each other and drivers as well. If you did not bring along your own bike a bike rental and service is at your disposal next to our apartment at Szigliget. We describe a light tour from Szigliget to Badacsony and back, but practically you can set off to any direction.

Only two blocks from our Szigliget apartments you can find a well-equipped bike rental and service shop. Novices can choose eBikes as well. Open year round.
Szigliget, Külsőhegyi street 64.
This 37 km roundtrip crosses wonderful landscapes through Badacsonytördemic, Nemesgulács, and back through Káptalantóti, Salföld, Ábrahámhegy, Badacsonytomaj and Badacsonylábdihegy.
Are you looking for accommodation at Lake Balaton in Hungary?
Check out the options!
Délibáb Vendégház
Tágas teraszok, hangulatos szobák és egyedi panoráma. Itt minden pillanat különleges!
- Guests: 6
- Amenities: Garden Grill, Air conditioner, Campfire, Wi-fi, Closed parking
- Bed Type: Standard beds, as described and photos.
- Categories: Vendégház
Napkelte Vendégház
A természet szépsége és a kényelem harmóniája. A Balaton legszebb arcát nálunk találja!
- Guests: 6
- Amenities: Garden Grill, Air conditioner, Campfire, Wi-fi, Closed parking
- Bed Type: Standard beds, as described and photos.
- Categories: Vendégház
Szömörce Guesthouse
Hangulatos biliárdszoba, kényelmes hálószobák és jól felszerelt konyha. A Szömörce Vendégházban minden adott a gondtalan kikapcsolódáshoz. Grillezz, pihenj és élvezd Balatonfüred szépségeit!
- Guests: 11
- Amenities: Baby bed, Baby bathtub, High chair, Garden Grill, Air conditioner, A diaper changer, Campfire, Wi-fi, Closed parking
- Bed Type: Standard beds, as described and photos.
- Categories: Vendégház
Near Balatonfüred…
A well-equipped bike rental shop is open in the summer season at Balatonfüred as well. Riding to Tihany from here is a ’piece of cake’.

Balatonfüred, Deák Ferenc street 56.
Being only 21 km long this tour is ideal for families with kids and also for those “take it easy” bikers who aren’t in “need for speed” … Starting out from the Tagore esplanade riders are able to roll all along on bike-routes to the Tihany Monastery. Enjoy the impressive panorama here, than roll down to the ferry and take the lakeshore bike-route back to Balatonfüred.